Change can be led by anyone. Take a look through the ideas below or come up with your own to transform the way you buy, cook or dispose of food, to improve your health and have a positive impact on the planet.
By taking action, take action to become FoodWise and help us to create a healthy, sustainable and fair food system for Leeds.
Please note, by joining the movement below, you will receive updates about the work FoodWise is involved in across the city and opportunities for you to get involved.
Avoid food waste
Why not take action by…?
- Planning ahead to avoid buying more than you need.
- Checking the use-by dates before you buy fresh food to make sure you can use it in time Make sure not to get ‘use-by’ confused with ‘best before’ or ‘display until’ dates.
- Popping leftovers in the fridge and enjoying them for lunch the next day.
- Composting fruit and vegetable waste.
- Buying ‘wonky’ veg from the supermarket to save it going to waste.
- Preserving or freezing food you can’t eat in time.
- Donating any quality, in-date, surplus food to your local foodbank if you think it won’t get used.
- Or come up with an idea of your own!
Eat for health and wellbeing
Why not take action by…?
- Using fresh, seasonal ingredients.
- Getting to know the Eatwell Guide.
- Including more fruit and vegetables in your diet.
- Aiming for at least one ‘meat free’ day each week.
- Eating meat and fish that is MSC-certified, free-range, outdoor reared or grass-fed.
- Cutting down on sugar and salt when cooking.
- Taking a cooking class to grow confidence cooking at home.
- Making time for sharing meals with friends and family.
- Considering breastfeeding by learning about its benefits and finding out about support available.
- Or come up with a pledge of your own!
Grow and cook your own
Why not take action by…?
- Learning basic gardening skills by asking someone you know for help or through information online/in a book.
- Growing salad leaves or herbs on a windowsill or in your garden.
- Growing tomatoes on your balcony and enjoying them fresh off the plant.
- Joining a local community growing group or signing up for an allotment.
- Trying a new recipe with your home-grown produce. Find one on the Leeds Recipe Hub.
- Or come up with a suggestion of your own!
Grow the movement
Why not take action by…?
- Making a nutritious and tasty meal for a friend.
- Hosting a healthy bake-off or a nutritious potluck picnic at work.
- Asking your friends, family or employer to take action and become FoodWise.
- Recommending independent grocers or promoting them on social media.
- Posting pictures of your healthy meals or home-grown veg online.
- Starting a community garden or orchard.
- Offering to show friends or family how to prepare your favourite healthy recipe.
- Or come up with an action of your own!
Support local, fair and seasonal
Why not take action by…?
- Visiting independent food shops and businesses.
- Ordering a locally grown veg box.
- Buying Fairtrade or organic products if you can.
- Buying higher welfare meat such as organic, free-range, grass-fed and outdoor reared and bred.
- Eating with the seasons.
- Choosing produce that’s grown in the UK to reduce food miles and support British food producers.
- Foraging wild food. You can find lots of information online and remember, if you’re not sure what something is, don’t eat it.
- Or come up with your own idea!