The latest Healthy Eating Toolkit has been released, supporting Leeds Healthy Holidays providers to plan their Christmas provision!
The toolkit shares ideas for planning provision daily healthy eating messages and activities, as well as sharing of nutritional information with families.
Updates include:
- Winter food activities
- Eating #JustOneMore veg activities
- Physical activities with healthy eating messages
- Winter Competition! 50 vouchers for Leeds Healthy Holidays children and young people to win
- More Leeds-based examples of provision healthy eating messages and activities
Download the toolkit here

Providers can follow us on social media for tips as you plan your provision’s healthy eating messages and activities over the next 6 weeks (Twitter, Instagram or Facebook).
FoodWise Leeds has been running the Healthy Holidays Plus programme since October 2021.
- In collaboration with key partners, the programme supports Leeds providers to embed healthy eating messages and activities across all future Healthy Holidays provision.
- This toolkit release follows the previous successful iterations for Easter & summer provisions this year.
- All releases have been coproduced with a range of collaborators including local third sector organisations, schools, community hubs, key food providers, Leeds City Council and Leeds Community Foundation.
Healthy Holidays Leeds has been running since 2018, providing nutritious food and engaging activities to primary and secondary aged children who are eligible for free school meals.