Healthy Holidays
Since 2018, the Healthy Holidays programme has been providing nutritious food and engaging activities during school holidays for children living in poverty.
The programme supports families on low incomes or benefits, whose children are eligible for free school meals. It is delivered by Leeds Community Foundation, with support from Leeds City Council and the Department for Education’s Holiday Activities and Food Programme.
How are FoodWise Leeds involved?
FoodWise Leeds co-produced a Healthy Eating Toolkit to support Healthy Holiday providers embed healthy eating messages and activities throughout their provision in 2023. Collaborators included local third sector organisations, schools, community hubs, key food providers, Leeds City Council and Leeds Community Foundation.
This toolkit includes ideas for embedding daily nutritional education, how to involve the wider families and many fantastic examples of provider food activities across Leeds!
Download our toolkit today and please let us know what you think in the comments below.
Download the toolkit
Our Toolkit can help you deliver a successful Healthy Holidays programme.