Leeds learns about Multicultural Food
Leeds is a very diverse city with over 140 ethnic groups. It is important that organisations working to promote healthier food choices are aware of cultural food choices and practices to deliver effective practice.
Food is often used as an opportunity for people to retain their cultural identity. People from different cultural backgrounds eat different foods. A wider range of factors influence the foods people choose to eat i.e. generation, geographic origin, age and religion.
Local insights have suggested that there is a need to provide more support to organisations to help them understand the food choices and eating habits of different cultural groups.
The Multicultural learning session delivered on Wednesday 23rd March shared the learning from the development of a number of projects:
- The development of South Asian and African Caribbean Eatwell Guides devised by Hamara working with the community
- Developing Multicultural Food healthy eating recipe cards led by Leeds Beckett and the University of Leeds
- Managing the cities cultural food hubs to enable access to food led by Give a Gift and Hamara

The recording from this learning session can now be viewed below: